Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I got this tattoo in black light ink.  Once healed, it will be completely clear and will only show up under a black light.  Just a little reminder to fear God and live simply (less is more.)  

Today the adventure begins...  This morning Karah, Ben, and my Mom made an amazing breakfast of fruit and corn pancakes (the thin delicious kind.)  Making corn pancakes is kind of a family tradition.  I hated them as a kid and used to pick out the corn, but now I love them.  My parents drove me to Erin's place in Philadelphia (an amazing loft near Penn's landing.)  It was great to see her.  She moves to Denver on September 7th.  We just barely missed each other this time but I know we're life-long friends.  That makes it a little easier to say goodbye.  

My flight to LA was quick seeing as I slept 60% of the time... Face down on the tray table with my seat in the upright position.  When I finally awoke, I found myself sitting next to the most delightful 12 year old and her glamorous mother.  An actress living out her dream in LA (so inspirational) and the most well-spoken 12 year old I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.  They were both those creative dreamer types who actually DO and LIVE the things they dream about.  

I've always felt emotions very deaply.  Extreme end of excitement or happiness have been countered with hollow depressions.  During this transitional time I knew I would be facing one or both of these emotions.  So three weeks ago I prayed for peace.  This peace is so unlike my character and I can only aknowledge that it is God-given.  But I've felt this amazing serenity and calm during the move, leaving my friends and family, while packing, during the flight, etc.  No fear.  God has made me fearless.  


  1. Gwennie! Sorry; couldn't help but use your nickname from childhood. Ok, now I'm crying!!

    We are so proud of you! YOU are an inspiration and, as Bill always says, "Everything is going to be alright."

    One of my fav scriptures is: Let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God that passes all understanding will guard your heart and mind in Christ Jesus. We'll be praying for God's peace to guard you!!

    Thanks for this blog, Gwen and for keeping us tucked in your pocket on this adventure!!

    We love you!!!
    Billy and Joanne

  2. How exciting this journey will be! You are in my prayers and look forward to reading the blog! Love ya! ( I know my name says Grandma Schmidt - but that is for the twins blog) sorry

    Peggy Schmidt

  3. Gwen!
    You're doing it! I'm so proud of you! Safe travels.

