I just stumbled across my blog today and felt that it was time to bring it back to life. Most of my experiences and ideas recorded in my online time capsule brought back fond memories and timeless insights. My experience at YWAM was a catalyst which launched me into a deep, intimate relationship with my Creator.
Since those days, so much has changed. I now live in Boulder, Colorado with five roommates and one very special black lab named Shiloh. It can be a bit chaotic at times but the joy and growth that is only found in community is something that I am incredibly grateful for.
Picture this... Late night conversations around a fire pit, the scent of organic food cooking in the kitchen, health routines, shared bathrooms, movie nights, long walks around the neighborhood... This is daily life in Boulder these days.
And then there is one of my greatest joys. The boy down the street, across the walking bridge and two blocks up. Van Traynor Breithaupt. We have a new morning routine of walking to each others houses and meeting up for a leisurely walk around the block. I've come to cherish these morning walks as I take in the view of gardens being drenched by perfectly timed sprinkler systems. Occasionally I'll see an old man sitting on his front porch, soaking in the rays of morning sunlight. Why is it that neighbors are more prone to wave in the morning?
There's something to it. Mornings are sacred and only those who have tasted and seen the glory hidden in them will fight for that time and set it apart.